Compiling a RedHat Linux Kernel

Extra Steps

 Finding the Kernel Source

  • If you would like to build a kernel from a different version of the source than what is on the computer, you will need to download it from the Internet. We got our's from

  • Since Schemp has a zip drive, we copied the kernel to a zip disk.

  • Mount the zip disk with the command 
    • > mount /mnt/zip
  • Make a new directory in /usr/src for the new source and copy it to the new directory. We called it linux-2.2.17.

  •          > mkdir /usr/src/linux-<version number>
  • From the newly created linux-<version number> directory, issue the command: 

  •          > tar xzf <filename>
    where <filename> is the name of the kernel that you downloaded from the Internet. This command will unzip and untar the file creating a directory called linux in linux-<version number>,  with all the source files in it.
  • Now we need to change the /usr/src/linux link to point to the linux directory in linux-<version number>. You do this by removing the previous link and then creating the new link with the following commands:

  •           > rm -f /usr/src/linux
      > ln -sf /usr/src/linux-<version-number>/linux /usr/src/linux 

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