Modules provide a means to add
functionality dynamically instead of compiling everything into the kernel.
It saves space because the kernel will be smaller and not take up as much
memory. Modules can be loaded either manually or automatically. The steps
below outline how to make modules work for you.
In the "Loadable Module Support"
menu we would recommend selecting the options to
"Enable loadable module
"Set version information on
all symbols for modules"
"Kernel module loader".
"Enable loadable module support"
allows options to be loaded as modules instead of in the kernel.
The second option just tags the modules with the version number so you
know which version of the kernel the go with. "Kernel daemon support"
allows the modules to be loaded dynamically instead of manually.
If you selected any options
to be modules you need to compile those using the make modulesand
make module_install commands.