Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is HackNet?
HackNet is a network of computers set up expressly to test network protocols and network behavior without regard to the damage that can be done to the computers' system kernels, operating system, etc. If any computer goes down (i.e., a kernel hack destroys the NFS, or other nasty side effect, the entire computer can be reloaded with the operating system and the trial can be started again without any adverse effects to the outside world.)
HackNet specifically tries to determine the weaknesses of existing protocols such as the infamous bugs in ftp and telnet. We also try to find non-detected bugs in newer protocols such as ssh.
2. Who makes up the HackNet Team?
Currently, as of September of 1999, the team consists of: Dr. Donahoo (Program Director and overall teacher of this class), Roman Elizarov (Technical Specialist and Networks Guru), Peter Lakov (Master of his Realm), Meng Lan (Independent Genius), Dr. Sturgill (Fellow and EI (Extremely Important) Consultant), and Brooks Van Horn (Group Leader).
3. How do I contact the HackNet Team?
At the following addresses: (old) (old) (old)