Baylor Thesis LaTeX Example
Here's the example set of LaTeX files for a Baylor Thesis:
To use this, do the following:
  1. Download the example files into a single directory
  2. latex thesis (ignore warnings since LaTeX is a one-pass compiler)
  3. bibtex thesis (this integrates bibliographic DB entries)
  4. latex thesis
  5. latex thesis (this run should get rid of warnings)
  6. dvips -f thesis.dvi > (generates postscript copy of paper) You can view the dvi version of the thesis with "xdvi thesis.dvi" or the postscript version with "ghostview".

    If you makes changes to any of the files, you only need to run LaTeX and dvips once to regenerate the postscript. The best book I have found so far on LaTeX is A Guide to LaTeX by Helmut Lopka and Patrick W. Daly